
Membuat Gelang Persahabatan

Niatnya mau browsing cari tutorial-tutorial untuk membuat kerajinan tangan. Akhirnya ketemu juga yang simpel dan menarik. "Friendship bracelets" dari benang yang sangat unik. Kita bisa membuatnya dengan sangat mudah (Begitu sih katanya :) ). Gelang ini bisa kita pakai sendiri atau untuk sahabat-sahabat. Namun, tutorialnya menggunakan bahasa inggris. Tapi tenang ada gambar-gambar yang akan membantu. Ini dia situsnya

Sebagai lampiran, aku tunjukkan salah satu motif dari friendship bracelets:

1. To make this bracelet, you will need yarn or threads in different colours. In this example I've used 8 threads. The length should be about 75 cm when you start to tie. Above you see a solution for starting.

2. Start with the outer threads and make knots towards the middle as the picture shows.

3. If you've done it right and tightened the knots, it will look about like this.

4. Continue to make knots towards the middle, using the same threads. When they meet, make either a left- or a right-hand knot.

5. Take the outer threads and make two knots towards the middle on both sides.

6. Take the outer threads again and make on both sides one knot towards the middle.

7. When you're done, it'll look about like this. In the next step you're going to use the threads in the middle and make outward knots.

8. As said, take the inner threads and do as the picture shows.

10.When you're done, it'll look like this. Now, take thread marked 1 in the picture, and make three knots to the right. After that, you can take thread 2 and do the same thing. And after that, with thread 3.
Now you can start at step 1 again, and repeat until the bracelet is long enough.


syazwanie mengatakan...

mcm manew nk buat .............

Isti Sofiyah mengatakan...

@abby : ikutin aja step by step. if u want try another style bracelets u can open this website . so many tutorial about how make friendship bracelets. http:// www.friendship- bracelets.net /

n i think u can found bracelets advertisement there if u wanna buy..

Indri Yuli Kurniawati mengatakan...

like this ,, :)

7minute mengatakan...

nice info, i will try it (^_^)

Unknown mengatakan...

makasih buanget tutorialnya.....
aku seneng bgt pas nemuin blog ini.
tutorial ini berarti bgt buat aku

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